Friday, March 9, 2012

Crossfit Games

So Jason is an animal. Seriously.

As some of you may know, last month marked the start of the Crossfit Games. The games are open to anyone who wants to compete as long as they pay the entrance fee. Workouts can be done at home and videoed, or done at a Crossfit affiliated gym. Jason signed up (for fun--not to compete) and his WOD (workout of the day) was scheduled for Friday at 5:30.

The first workout of the games? Seven minutes of burpee hell--as many burpees as you can. For those of you that have never done a burpee, seven minutes sounds simple enough. However, for those of you that have done a burpee, well, you know just how miserable this workout really is. It looked MISERABLE. I was so thankful that I wasn't having to do them!
Pena Visit and Crossfit Games 368
Burpee Love!

Had to jump 6" or it didn't count!


Sufficiently worn out!
It was funny to watch everyone as soon as the 7-minute countdown stopped--instantly everyone was laid out on the floor trying to catch their breath, not pass out, and not throw up. That's the sign of a good workout!!
I'm so proud of him!
Also, I have to admit that there was some serious body motivation at his gym. Most of the girls there were completely ripped!! I don't think I've ever seen so many fit people in one location; it was seriously intimidating. For example:
Her abs are ridiculous.

She could crush me.

It was almost enough to convince me to do the WOD right then and there! I'm still tempted to see how many I could do. The current leader did 161!! That is insane! For comparison, most of the people in these photos got somewhere around 100. I think anything above 70 is seriously impressive.

Jason has been doing Crossfit since the fall, and I started doing Crossfit-type workouts in December after a Groupon came up for a local gym.  The workouts are super intense, but typically nice and short.  I haven't really lost weight with the program, but I've gained a lot of muscle mass.  I almost have tough arms!  So close!  Haha.  If any of you are thinking of trying it, I definitely recommend it!

1 comment:

cmjeppsen said...

Not only could she crush you, but the look on her face says she wants to!