Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Soooooooooo....about that.

Apparently I took a really really really long time off from blogging.  But don't you worry--I was busy writing posts; I just didn't post them.  Oops?  Most of them are about races that Jason and I have been running, and there is also an Australia post in there as well.

Anyway, check out them out here in all their very belated glory:

Ragnar Florida Keys Recap
Sweethearts 5k Recap
Thanksgiving Point Half Marathon Recap
Australia Trip
Ragnar Wasatch Back Recap
Legacy Midnight 10k Recap

And I'll try to do better with posting in the future! Yikes!

1 comment:

Emily W said...

It's good to read about your adventures. I am jealous of your trips. I hope all it well. Remember Denver is a great, fun place to visit.