Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ahhhh yes...I about forgot to do this. Nikky tagged me to list 6 random facts about myself. I've been putting this one off, because I've lived with myself for so long that I now consider myself quite normal. ha!

1- I brush my teeth in the shower. I have ever since I was young. It's faster and more efficient!

2- I also have to sit in the bathroom sink when I put on my makeup in the morning. This is serious. When I got to hotels and they don't have sinks capable of being sat in it really throws me off. In fact, during our house hunting it has been an important factor in determining the quality of the bathrooms...I'm a freak.

3- I have weird feet. I cannot describe this well, and I am not taking a picture of it, but i can stand on the top knuckles of my feet. Ask me to show you sometime.

4- I have a weird tongue. I can do tongue tricks that I haven't seen anyone else be able to do yet. I basically can fold my tongue in half and have it stay there without anything else helping to keep it in place. Also hard to describe...ask me to show you sometime.

5- I'm missing some sinus cavities in my nose and my brain filled it in. So I have a bigger brain than I am supposed to. Albert Einstein apparently had the same problem. Go me?

6- I once flipped the ligament in my elbow "upside down". I had never heard of such a thing, but apparently it happens. It hurts, PS. It's better than a tear, but it's still not desirable. So yeah...try to avoid that if at all possible.

So that brings me to the end of the random things about myself. Time to tag people! I tag Nikki (as in my sister), Tennille & Cody, Lisa, Jill, and Shantel. Hooray!


Zach and Nikky said...

I have never seen you cool tongue tricks...I want to see them. For this, I would need you to fly out to Memphis pronto. Or I guess I could wait until we come home in December. Are you really going to make me wait? :) I miss you!! I'm glad to hear you still brush your teeth in the shower and do your make up in the sink. Classic Becky.

The Pena family said...

you are a freak. Let me add that you are the only person I know that got taken out by a cat running 80 miles an hour while you were riding your bike and you ended up with a hole in your forehead. I'm not a freak like that but I'll get to the tag as soon as I can.